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George Washington issues Farewell Address on this day in 1796

Farewell Address
National Unity
Political Parties
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George Washington issues Farewell Address on this day in 1796

George Washington's Farewell Address: A Timeless Message of Unity

On September 19, 1796, President George Washington issued his Farewell Address, marking a significant moment in American history. The address, first published in the American Daily Advertiser, reflected on Washington's service to the nation and offered crucial advice for its future.

The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.

Washington's address warned against the dangers of political parties and emphasized the importance of national unity. He voluntarily stepped down after two terms, establishing a precedent that would later become law with the 22nd Amendment in 1951.

  • Warned against the divisive nature of political parties
  • Stressed the importance of national identity over regional affiliations
  • Set the precedent for a two-term presidency
  • Address is still read annually in the U.S. Senate

The Farewell Address remains a critical founding document, addressing issues of union, partisanship, and isolationism that continue to resonate in American politics today.

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